Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Polar Tundra

Our Biome is the polar tundra. It is very unique. It is unique because it is very cold and normally under 10 degrees Celsius. there is also no plants and tree, but there are animals like polar bears and penguins. When the sun is out of it's summer,the temperature barely reaches15 degrees. In Our biome is not very diverse. A lot of animals and plants can't stay alive in these kind of habitats and very low temperatures. Also,an ecosystem is formed by the interaction between living and non-living parts of an environment. Living plants and animal depend on non-living things such as air, water,rocks, soil,energy and nutrients for their survival. In our Biome there is ice every where and ice cold water where penguins, fish, seals, polar bears, etc. go for food.

Imagine living in the Polar Tundra. What would you do?

This picture is from:


  1. First of all I would not not want to live in Polar Tundra but if I had to I would dress very warm. For my water sorce I would dring/eat the snow and I would definetly be a carnivore.
    Ilana Period 4/5

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree with Ilana, i would never want to live in the Polar Tundra, it is way to cold! But if i had to I would first build an igloo (i always thought that was cool), then i would proberly start a fire to keep me warm (if it is possible to start a fire there) and most importently i would dress very warm, so i wouldnt freeze.

    -Sydney Period 4/5

  4. the polar tundras are cold. i do like the cold better than 80 degree days but this is very extreme cold and it would be difficult to live. there arent many plants and i prefere to eat veggies anyway. this might not be my ideal place to live

    -rachel per 4/5

  5. if i lived in the polar tundra i would be very cold i would probably eat other animals because there is not a large amount plants. if i had to live in the polar tundra i would probably stay inside most of the time so that i wouldnt be so cold

    malcolm 45

  6. You guys did a great job! This description really helps me imagine what it would be like living in the polar tundra. Also, your picture shows the major animal that lives in this area, and now I can really picture how cold and lonely it must be, with all the endless ice, and small puddles of water where it is melting. I would definitely not want to live in this cold, desolate, and lonely area!
    Hanna :)

  7. thank you hanna I have just finished reading yours and i think it gives so much descriptiond too.

  8. Probably if i were living in the polar tundra i would bring a coat because its very cold. Also theres no climbing trees of anything really to do. Except for many swimming but it too cold too do that

    NICE picture
    -William s.
    period 4/5
