This region is near the north ans outh poles where it is farthest from the sun. So it doesn't get very much heat. Which would melt the ice and ruin the animal's habitats. So if the sun is too close there would be no more ice and there wouldn't be such thing as a Polar Tundra.
What do you think would happen if the sun did melt everything because it got to close?
There many kinds of animals in the Polar Tundra such as the penguin and the polar bear. There are other kinds of penguins that live in tropical or temperate weather but this is just a regular penguin that lives in the Polar tundra. The polar bears are actually going extinct because of global warming that is melting all the ice and turning it into water and they can't live in just water. They could drown and it reduces the ability to find food. A penguin's role for his species is to be strong, healthy, find food and reproduce as much as possible. The role of a polar bear is just to survive right now, because there is only a couple thousand left in the world. These animals have adapted to survive in the polar tundra by reproducing a lot, hunt food from the water etc.
There might be two plants in our polar tundra, but i am going to give you why they don't have trees. The polar Tundra does not have trees because most trees can not survive in this abnormal wheather and it does not have much soil and would not get the sunlight it needs.
A plant in our biome is The Calliergon giganteum. The Calliergon gigantuem is food to birds and can help scientists learn about the earth. The role is to pervide food for animals in this biome and help scienceits. They can adapt to this biome because they can live in extremely cold environments.
When I walked through Antarctica i would see A lot of snow, penguins, polar bears, some plants (like lichens), not trees, oceans, fish, mountains, and other polar animals.
A real life example of a Polar Tundra is Antarctica which is a continent. Since so many things in Antarctica have been destroyed like plants by people and the weather the plants that are living and animals who are there rely so much on water, air, rocks, soil, energy, and nutrients.
Our Biome is the polar tundra. It is very unique. It is unique because it is very cold and normally under 10 degrees Celsius. there is also no plants and tree, but there are animals like polar bears and penguins. When the sun is out of it's summer,the temperature barely reaches15 degrees. In Our biome is not very diverse. A lot of animals and plants can't stay alive in these kind of habitats and very low temperatures. Also,an ecosystem is formed by the interaction between living and non-living parts of an environment. Living plants and animal depend on non-living things such as air, water,rocks, soil,energy and nutrients for their survival. In our Biome there is ice every where and ice cold water where penguins, fish, seals, polar bears, etc. go for food.
Imagine living in the Polar Tundra. What would you do?